Has any of this happened to you?- Your "software guy" left you out in the cold or left for greener pastures and you have nobody to support the systems they were responsible for.
- You upgraded a system and now something important isn't working anymore and you can't figure out what's going wrong.
- Your computing needs are manageable, but every once and a while you really want somebody who you can call when things get over your head.
- While your company has grown your not ready yet to hire a full-time systems guy to help keep your systems running.
- You need an advocate who can "talk geek" for you with your various system and software providers.
- You found some freeware, shareware, or open source software but you have nobody to make it usable for you or support you.
All of these are great reasons to consider using KTech Software's support and troubleshooting services. Whether its because something is broken or just want the comfort in knowing that an expert will be on the other end of the phone working for you when your system crashes in the middle of the night or in the middle of a major project for a key customer. With KTech Software: - "We Don't Speak Geek", to you unless you want us to.
- We can serve as a liaison between you and your technical providers (ISP's, website/e-mail hosting providers, tech support departments, etc). We can help you get your problems resolved quickly and save you time and money cause we understand their language and cut down on the hand-holding. We also take that knowledge that we gain from 3rd party providers or in the process of addressing your needs and help you to use it most effectively to avoid problems in the future.
- We work with both your software and your infrastructure.